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Please consider becoming a sponsor of Targeting Metabesity 2022. They help to make TARGETING METABESITY possible.

To discuss becoming a sponsor, please contact Georgina Xanthou at

Our Supporters

We greatly appreciate the support of our partners for Targeting Metabesity conferences

Supporters are organizations with a parallel mission to the Kitalys Institute or are stakeholders in healthy longevity for all.

Supporters receive promotion of their events in exchange for supporting Kitalys Institute events.

To discuss becoming a supporter, please contact Georgina Xanthou at and Alex Klonoff at


The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) is a national non-profit organization that supports and advances pioneering biomedical research that is revolutionizing how we live healthier and longer. For nearly four decades, AFAR has served as the field’s talent incubator, providing more than $178 million to more than 4,100 investigators at premier research institutions nationwide. A trusted leader and strategist, AFAR also works with public and private funders to steer high quality grant programs and interdisciplinary research networks. AFAR-funded researchers are finding that modifying basic cellular processes can delay—or even prevent—many chronic diseases, often at the same time. They are discovering that it is never too late—or too early—to improve health. This groundbreaking science is paving the way for innovative new therapies that promise to improve and extend our quality of life—at any age.


For more information, go to or follow AFARorg on Twitter and Facebook.


Ageing Research at King's (ARK) is a cross-faculty multidisciplinary consortium of investigators which brings together scholarship and research in ageing in several complementary areas. ARK represents King’s world class excellence for research on the biology of ageing, from the basic mechanisms in biogerontology to clinical translation and the social impact of ageing.

​For more information, go to


ARDD (Aging Research & Drug Discovery) brings over 1000 of your peers together at the world’s largest Aging and Longevity meetings.  Insilico Medicine and the Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen, are proud presenters at their annual face to face forum.

For more information, go to


Collider Health is an ecosystem architect working with organizations in both private and public sectors to accelerate innovation and transform health with sustainable impact at scale. We help organizations grab hold of opportunities in markets being disrupted.

For more information, go to ​


The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is the nation's oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging. The principal mission of the Society — and its 5,500+ members — is to advance the study of aging and disseminate information among scientists, decision makers, and the general public. GSA fosters collaboration between physicians, nurses, biologists, behavioral and social scientists, psychologists, social workers, economists, policy experts, those who study the humanities and the arts, and many other scholars and researchers in aging. This stems from the belief that the intersection of research from diverse areas is the best way to achieve the greatest impact and promote healthy aging. Through networking and mentorship opportunities, GSA provides a professional home for career gerontologists and students at all levels.


For more information, go to


Kinexum guides, designs, and manages strategic and operational solutions to the regulatory, manufacturing, nonclinical, clinical development, and business challenges necessary to take scientific discoveries to proof of concept and through the product life cycle.

For more information, go to ​


The Life Expectancy Advocacy Foundation supports research on the main mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases and educate the public on the possibility of bringing aging under medical control to prevent, postpone, and cure age-related diseases.

For more information, go to


Longevity Technology is a team of journalists, researchers and tech commercialization professionals. Its mission is to create the #1 destination for news and insights on the technologies that extend life and maintain the quality of that extended life.

For more information, go to


Lumanity consults with the world’s most innovative biopharma companies, applying our strategic insight to early-stage platforms and programs. Our advice reduces development and commercial risk and increases stakeholder value.
For more information, go to


The NGO Committee on Ageing, United Nations, NY works to raise world awareness of the opportunities and challenges of global ageing.  The Committee advocates within the United Nations community to further integrate ageing into UN policies and programs,, to encourage member states to include ageing needs in social and economic considerations, and to recognize that older persons are a valuable resource for economic and social prosperity.
For more information, go to:


Status Solutions is the pioneering provider of situational awareness technologies for life safety, security, environmental monitoring and mass notification, ensuring that the right information reaches the right people automatically.

For more information, go to


​Longevity Live: Healthy Planet. Healthy People. The leading international magazine for Longevity and Wellness Living.

For more information, go to

Metabesity 2022 presented by The Kitalys Institute

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